Xiao Zhang

Xiao Zhang


Gabriela Hug, J. Zico Kolter

Research Project Description:
The project focuses on demand side management in electricity market. The overall goal of my research is to combine capabilities in process automation and electric power system operation to reduce energy cost on the industrial costumer side and support grid operation on the power system side. As electrical power costs are major operating expenses for several major power-intensive processes such as air separation plants, cement production, etc., there is a large potential for demand side management for industrial customers.

Research Interests: Optimization, control, machine learning and their applications in power system, process automation, etc.


For the latest publications, please refer to :


ECE Ph.D. Dean Fellowship: 2013
Best Award for Research Contributions by Digital Power System research group, 2012
First-class Scholarship for Comprehensive Excellence by Tsinghua University, 2011
Best Graduate Honor of Beijing / of Tsinghua University, 2010
Scholarship for Comprehensive Excellence by Ping An Insurance Company Ltd, 2009
Frist-class Scholarship for Comprehensive Excellence by Ministry of Education, 2008
Frist-class Scholarship for Comprehensive Excellence by Ministry of Education, 2007
First Prize in the National High School Mathematics Olympiad, Jiangsu, China, 2006

Personal Webpage: http://www.xiaozhang.work


Office: Porter Hall B33


Ph.D., 2010.8 - present
2013.1 - present
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

2010.8 - 2012.12
Electrical Engineering
Tsinghua University, Beijing

B.S., 2006.8 - 2010.7
Electrical Engineering
Tsinghua University, Beijing